Adult Therapy

“You are not weak for struggling: you are strong for facing your battles head-on.”

Indicators that I May Need Professional Support :

It is worthwhile seeking professional assistance if you experience any of the below:

  • Finding yourself easily overwhelmed or lacking strategies to cope with everyday situations
  • Feel that your emotions are out of control through sudden mood changes, moment to moment
  • Doubting your choices with your head in a haze and feeling like your problems are endless
  • Excessive worries and fears about your choices, the future and feeling tired of overthinking
  • Finding yourself emotionally fragile and crying at minor things
  • Feeling withdrawn and unmotivated from all your usual activities
  • Problems with your usual routine, such as sleeping, eating or being extremely irritable with those around you
  • Constantly in conflict and disagreements with others
  • Caught up in visions of past events, unable to let go and forgive, with a deep sense of regret
  • Deep feeling of shame and worthlessness that dull your future
  • Unable to get passed traumatic experiences that have occurred previously
  • Sudden outburst of rage, anger and hostility that easily blow out disproportionally affecting those around you
  • Irrational fears that interfere in your everyday life
  • Suicidal thoughts and self-harming behaviours

EG are committed to lowering the instance of mental illness in our community.

We support “a way to improve your life” through evidence based psychological services.

Therapy assists with:

  • Anxiety Disorders (Panic Attacks, Phobias, Social Anxiety, Separation Anxiety, Illness Disorder)
  • Mood Disorders (i.e. Depression)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)
  • Eating Disorders
  • Anger Management
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
  • Trauma (PTSD)
  • Grief (Loss, Bereavement)
  • Personality Disorders
  • Somatic Disorders (Chronic Fatigue, Fybromyalgia)
  • Domestic Violence
  • LGBTQ+ Services Personal Development Goals:
  • Weight or Pain management
  • Life transitions (separation, break-ups, divorce)
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Assertiveness/Self-confidence/Self-Esteem
  • Workplace Bullying
  • Anxiety Performance and Public Speaking
  • Developing Emotional intelligence (Work/life coaching)
  • Stress management

What is a Therapy Session About?

Counseling is the experiential process of change, where therapist and client establish a therapeutic relationship that helps guide the client towards greater self-awareness. The therapeutic goal of counseling aims to empower clients with the ability to recognize, validate and challenge their own thought process and emotional state by promoting self-management and self-agency skills as well as any other competencies the client may already possess. Counseling provides a better understanding of the client’s current way of thinking and feeling as well as how these may be shaped or influenced by past experiences.

What is a Therapeutic Relationship?

The therapeutic relationship refers to a professional relationship between a therapist and client with the sole purpose of creating a comfortable and safe space for the exploration of the client emotions, experiences, concerns and goals. The therapist facilitates a therapeutic relationship by collaborating, cooperating and guiding the client in a self-discovery journey in a respectful and non-judgmental manner.

Therapy can change your life

1. Developing Self-awareness

In therapy we develop self-awareness through introspection. Self-awareness grows over a period of time with exploration. In exploring and understanding our perspective, we can start to see the world through new lens. Instead of allowing our personal experiences to affect our thought and feelings, we can distance ourselves from our problems and gain a sense of clarity, from there we can develop a boarder outlook and know that we are in a better place, ready to change and embrace life for all it has to give.

2. Being Conscious of Your Inner Voice

The average individual has between 60,000 and 80,000 thoughts per day. About 2,000 thoughts are running through your mind per hour. Often you will be focused on certain thoughts more than others and they may be even repeating themselves in a circular manner creating an ‘inner turmoil’, that affects your life experiences. In therapy we focus on becoming aware of the ‘inner chatter’, so that you can differentiate your thoughts. This allows you to discard thoughts that are not valuable, thus helping you eliminating negative ruminating thoughts and focus on your productive ones!

3. Live in the Present Moment

It’s not uncommon that our mind will spend a great deal of time worrying about the future or regretting the past. In this tangle of thoughts, we all miss the important daily moments. Counselling will improve the way you think and introducing a mindful way of living that is based on the here and now. This will improve your ability to be more present and thus peaceful and connected in your day to day life.

4. Live in the Present Moment

Being mindful of the present moment will provide with the skills to be conscious of your everyday choices. Consequently, this skill will help you manage all behaviours such as self-blaming, procrastinating, over-eating and being dismissive. In managing these behaviours, you can have the opportunity to be your best true self.

5. Re-Discover Your True Values

In the chaos of life, we can all forget what is truly important. We all get caught up in patterns of behaviours and thoughts that prevent one from reaching true potential or create conflict. In therapy, we re-focus our vision and to recognise what values are truly important. Our values become a lighthouse that guide our journey towards change, whilst leaving behind old patterns, and developing an understanding of self-compassion.

6. Understand Your Past

Do not let the past define who you are today. Everyone stands to gain, from some type of reflection, as it helps us understand the influential nature of our past experiences to who we are today. In exploring the past, we allow ourself us to heal past wounds, make amends, and nourish our pain with love and respect. In doing so we own with bravery our painful experiences as we work through the counselling process, to free ourselves from the past entanglement.

7. Create Meaningful Relationships

In therapy we explore all relationships. We learn to appreciate the meaningful, positive relationships and distinguish the signs of a toxic relationship. Understanding other’s motives and perspectives in relationships provides us the ability to value the healthy relationships and move away from unhealthy ones. You will also learn how to build better relationships and understand how to create healthy boundaries thus relationships stepping into the new journey, connecting with warmth, respect and empathy.

8. Empower your Choices

Emotions can be overpowering and restrict your ability to move forward. It is common to for negative thoughts to spiral out of control and create a haze that blocks your vision. In therapy our goal is to identify the patterns and triggers for the negative thoughts, and re-wire your thinking pattern to liberate yourself. You will learn to be in control and the “boss of your brain” to have the freedom to choose what to think, when and how.

9. Foster Courage and Assertiveness

We often live in a fearful state, caged by doubt and insecurity. In therapy you will enable your vulnerabilities, allowing them to become strengths. In doing so we develop the ability to be courageous and assertive by standing-up for yourself, establishing respectful boundaries and owning your story. You will start to experience more self-assurance and tap into a life of fulfillment.

10. Learn to Love Yourself

As you move through the stages of therapy, you will incrementally grow emotionally, and step into being more confident, calm, compassionate and accepting being. You will learn handle problems in a resilient way and stand-up for yourself upholding your true values and making choices that reflect your true desires. Furthermore, you will be ready to love and accept yourself the way you are, and opt to engage in satisfactory healthy relationships.

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